Sunday, 3 April 2016

Enjoy Oz Comic Con 2016 Premiere Perth Event for Cosplay

direct to each gallery, Contemporary cultural event for the masses, Geeks unite and celebrate all things TV, movie and Culture, while adding their own artistic tendencies to costume making, 3d printed body armour, textiles, latex, spandex and makeup to amuse themselves and delight others in a 21st Century version of the masquerade balls of the 14th+ centuries of europe! Dandy! All with zero outside judgement to their acting a part for all, slipping in and out of their masks for all to see! Enjoy some of the spectacle that is Cosplay! Our Modern day super heroes all represented in these events by loyal fans of pop culture!

Great 2 Days, Everyone friendly, very little negativity creeps in to Comicon and later this year Supernova!

credits to Oz Comic Con, Darkforce cosplay, Lady Jaded and many more...Thanks to all who let me Photograph them!

Day 1

Day 2